Disney Interactive Media Group have released some new research, which shows that Mom’s are increasing their usage of mobile and tablet devices! I don’t know if this should necessarily surprise anyone. it is getting harder and harder to even buy a phone that isn’t a “smartphone”. Once you have a smartphone, you easily get used to having the niternet and email at your fingertips.
Irony : I emailed the article to my wife, who read it on her iPhone while she was taking our 9 month old for a walk!?
I know that my wife certainly has found the iPhone to be extremely useful for entertaining and multitasking as a mother. It is often much more convenient to use the iPhone than trying to sit in front of the laptop or desktop computer, even though they are the Best Monitors Under $300
While only somewhat related, she certainly has found using a Kindle to be much easier to read one-handed than a normal book. As some of you probably know, mothers often have one hand on their child and the other doing tasks.
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